• Return Policy

If you want to cancel or return a product, we're here to help! Generally, we accept exchange, return or refund requests within 14 days from the date of delivery of the item (subject to order tracking records).
Note: If you have successfully paid for your order, you accept the following refund policy by default.

Cancel or Return


1, No returns after 14 days of receiving your order.

2, No returns of the assembled product.

3, Customer pays shipping both ways (Original shipping cost is withheld from refund).

4, Subject to up to a 25% restocking fee (this is withheld from refund).

5, If Ebikes/Bikes that have been Registered in the Buyer’s Name officially CAN NOT be returned.

6, No returns for small scratches or dirt, except in EXTREME cases of Breakage/Malfunction

7, Returned items for a replacement or refund must be unopend、unassembled, and in the original packaging. ( products that were damaged due to improper handling/shipping will be deducted from your cost based on the damaged situation of products. )

NOTE: Repair the bike yourself without the DRVETION’approval, the return process mentioned on the RETURN & REFUND POLICY page is not available for you.

Damaged Report

If the part arrives damaged, defective, or missing, send any pictures or videos to the support@drvetion.com immediately (any delayed damage product report within 3 days of delivery may increase the carrier's rejection rate).Importantly.please sign on UPS/DPD bill said damaged signed.


If small parts are damaged, we will cover them as per warranty rules. If it is damaged at all,We will get an exchange for you.


Refund Policy

The final refund amount might be subject to the deductions of restocking fees, return shipping fees, and the insurance cost of the original order.

For return orders, refund will be approved after the return package is successfully delivered and inspected by warehouse.
The processing time for the refunds is 1-2 business days after receiving the returned items. The refund time depends on the payment method.
PayPal refunds may take up to 48 hours.
Credit card refunds will take around 7-14 business days. The specific time depends on your credit card company and any intermediaries.

Contact Us

Retail&Dropship: info@drvetion.com

Wholesale&OEM: sale@drvetion.com

After-sales service: support@drvetion.com

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